These weights mount on the inside channel of the MDT ACC chassis forend. With the maximum forend capacity of 5 weights, they add 1,125kg to your ACC chassis system. The interior forend weights can be added and removed without removing your barreled action, simply remove the forend cap (gen1 ACC), slide them into the desired location under the barrel, and screw them in place from the bottom.
- Underside clearance slot to allow mounting of M-Lok accessories to ACC chassis forend even with weights installed
- Side clearance slots to allow mounting of M-Lok accessories to ACC chassis forend even with weights installed
This product has been designed specifically to fit interior barrel channel of the ACC chassis system, and is not compatible with any of our other chassis systems.
- Four Flat Head Cap Screws per weight for fastening to the chassis
- Five weights
- Weight: 225gram / weight (including screws), 1 125 gram total.
- Material: Case-hardened Steel
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